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Volunteer Opportunities

Do you have an hour a week or an hour a day that you could give to serve the school? What talents do you have that you could share with the kids? We believe it takes a loving village to raise a child and we invite you to be a part of it.


If you have any questions about volunteering, please reach out to a Board member or contact us through email (below in the footer) at We appreciate any time, short or long, that you can offer. 


Explore the opportunities below and click here if you are interested in volunteering.



Custodian/ Maintenance

We could use help with daily duties, once a week duties, once a year summer deep clean, or any maintenance repairs. 

Teacher Assistants

This could be dovetailed to what you are comfortable with doing. It could be paperwork (filing, making bulletin boards, helping with grading papers, helping with parent communication folders), working with a student, and/or working with a small group of students.


We are in the beginning stages of building a library. This might look like reading a book to a class or helping a student find research materials. 


We are open to other talents, skills, or cultural experiences that you could share with us.


Be available to check students' temperature, administer bandaids, call parents if student is ill, and help answer the office phone.

Recess Supervision

Outside morning greeters by the drop-off zone are needed to greet and direct kids and families (20-30 min). Lunch recess duty supervision (30 min-1 hour) is needed to supervise kids at play. After school dismissal supervision or traffic control is needed (20 min).

Play Musical Instruments

Would you like to play your instrument once a week at Chapel time or at special occasions?

Office Help

We could use help with answering the office phone, running errands to the post office, filing/organizing, delivering time sensitive notes from parents to the teachers, etc.

Guest Speaker

Do you have a topic that you are passionate about or knowledge of a subject that you would be willing to share with the kids? This could be you coming to the school or the kids visiting you.



Grounds Keeper

We could use help with mowing, tending to flowers/landscape, pulling weeds/weed control, snow removal of sidewalks and parking, etc. 

Contact Us


600 Oswego Street  

Tama, IA 52339  

(641) 484-?

Temporary Address & Phone:

1306 290th Street   

Montour, IA 50173  

(641) 750-3594

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